This was for the Film “May God Forgive”. I was the Production designer. This location was difficult because we had to cover every label in the store.

This was for the Film “May God Forgive”. I was the Production designer. This was a fun shot because I got to emphasize the money and the dead flowers, this is important here because its symbolic of the man in the corners relationship with his girlfriend dying.

This was for the Film “May God Forgive”. I was the Production designer. This shot is when the girlfriend discovers the large bag of money he has been hiding from her.

This was for the Film “May God Forgive”. I was the Production designer. This is the church interior, this board was fun to make because it has a lot of the crews family photos on it.

This was for the Film “May God Forgive”. I was the Production designer. This location was difficult because again the labels but this was also the beginning a long shot with no cuts so we all had to be out of the way in this tiny store.

This was for the Film “May God Forgive”. I was the Production designer. I love this shot because it shows the distance growing between the couple.

This was an elevation from the film “Owch Popcicles” for the family room door.

This is a still from “The Man With No Name”. I worked as the Production designer and I lit the scene. I like this scene because it show us the love shared between the brother and sister.

This is a still from “The Man With No Name”. I worked as the Production designer and I lit the scene. This scene really reflects how the man is feeling after finding out his sister has been abused.