Jam Buds, something I threw together as a proof of concept for a studio.

This is the short titled “Cop” I made for the 11 second club. I made the puppets from foam, armature wire and clay. The costumes were hand sewn and the badges are worbla.

This Animation, “Paperyish Hearts”, was my 1st stop motion so it’s very dear to me. It helped me express some things I was feeling at the time. Run-time: 50s

“Sir Victor” was animated by Myself and my good friend Taylor Brown. We decided this should be a reflection on our adventure that was working our way through school. Run-time: 55s

“Noooooo Hobo” was inspired by a Bo Burnham song called love is.
Run-time: 28s

“Ghost Bar” was animated by Myself and my friend Anthony Dary. I thought his basement looked like a haunted saloon so we decided to make it one. Run-time: 43s

My Animators name card!

This is my Hobo puppet for “Nooooo Hobo”. The Little Guys body is mostly armature wire and black foam as well as epoxy clay.

This is my bear puppet for “Noooooo Hobo”. He’s mostly black foam and fur.

These are the box cars on made for the film “Give the Dog a Bone”. They are made from black foam board and white foam board with layers of paint. The smoke and box cars were animated by me.

These are the box cars on made for the film “Give the Dog a Bone”. They are made from black foam board and white foam board with layers of paint. The smoke and box cars were animated by me.