A Voltron black Lion inspired ring box I created for a client.

A Voltron black Lion inspired ring box I created for a client. (reverse)

This is a Tin I was making for a friend, he asked me to style it like a mossy tree so that’s what I did. It a tin card holder covered in a paper mache of toilette paper and glue wash.

This a prop Dagger I designed based on the movie Epic. It was carved out of EVA foam, the handle was paper mache toilette paper and a wood glue wash.

This was a prop Cigar Box I made from scratch. Wood, nails and Photoshop.

This was my prop burger i made. The buns are upholstery foam and flex coat. The pickles are corrugated cardboard and hot glue covered in silicone. The ketchup, cheese and mustard were silicone and silicone rubber. The meat patty was pink foam and silicone.

This is my steam punk top hat. at its core is made of yoga mat then covered in detailed craft foam. The rivets were epoxy.